Edit Entry help page

    This image may look familiar. It should if you have already examined the add entry pages. It is the same form used to add an entry, but now it allows you to edit the data that is already there. The first thing to bring to your attention is the form title label "Edit/View Password entry*". It is a single click actuator (notice the single asterisks). When clicked this label displays or hides the delete button.
    To keep your data safe Account Tracker has made it hard to 'accidentally' delete or change the data it maintains for you. Also note this is the only form that allows you print out the your Account Tracker entries.
    The action begins with a double click. It takes a double click to edit almost every field. The only exceptions are the Notes field, the Security Image name/description field and the related entries links. To change the notes and Image name fields just start typing. For the Related entry update press either the Delete button or the "Add - R E" button.

Once again you can explore this form for more details. Click on the named areas for more information.

Print Entry Button Exit Button Entry Status Entry Name Label Name Entry Field URL Label URL Field User ID Label User ID Field Password Label Password Field Email Address Label Email Address Field Notes Label Notes Field Date Created Secrurity Question Field ecrurity Questions Tab Security Images Tab Related Links Tab <b>The Another? Button</b>

The Delete button

This button will be come enabled when you select a Related like entry in the Related entry list box below. The list box is only displayed if you have selected entries to be related to the current entry.

Edit/View Password entry form label

The label header on this page has a single asterisk behind it. This means it is a single click actuator. Click on it once and the Delete button will be displayed; a second click will hide the delete button. If you click this Delete button there will be a deletion warning. Select 'Yes' and the entry will be deleted. If you do delete entries this way remember to do database clean up at some time. See cleanup help page.

The Print button

The Print button allows you to create a hard copy of your entry. For security reasons use this sparingly.

Exit button

This button exits the Edit/View Entry form and returns the user to the previous form.

Entry Status

The status of this entry is 'Active'. But double click on this status indicator and, the records status will change to 'Not Active'.

Double click on the Not Active and the status will change back to 'Active'.

Entry name label

This field label is not an actuator. It just labels the Entry Name Field.

The Entry Name field

To edit the Entry Name field you must double click in the entry box. If you try to change an entry name you will find that you cannot type in the field; the field is locked. Just double click on it to unlock the field.

URL History

This label is a double click actuator. Besides labeling the accompanying field as the URL for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the values this field has been assigned for this record.

This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

URL Field

To edit the URL field please double click on it. If the URL field is empty when you click on it the Add URL popup window will display. If there is a URL in the field then it will be locked and you will need to double click on the field. This will display the Edit URL field popup

Add new URL


Updateable URL field

Now he URL is editable. If changes are made press 'OK' or press 'Cancel' to quit or discard changes

User ID History

This label is a double click actuator. Besides labeling the accompanying field as the User ID for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the User ID's assigned to this record.

In this view you can see both the Date created and date last updated. As you can see the creation date does not change, but each new value has a new update date. This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

Updateable User ID field

To edit the User ID field, you need to double click it to popup the Edit User ID field. If the User ID is blank when you click in it the Add User ID popup will display.

Add User ID


Updateable User ID field

Now the User ID is editable. If changes are made press 'OK' or press 'Cancel' to quit or discard changes

Password History

Besides labeling the accompanying field as the password for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the password's assigned to this record.

In this view you can see the Active status of each password plus the date created. The date last updated is also displayed, but you need to scroll to the right. This Active label is the status of the password not the entire record. This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

Password field

To update the Password please double click in this field. When you double click in the password field the Edit Password popup will display. If there is no password entered for this record then when you click on it the Add Password popup will display.

The password field by default on all displays is invisible until you take some action to make it visible. In this case, on this display all you need to do is place the mouse pointer in the field and the password, if there is one entered, will be visible.

Add Password


Updateable Password field

Now the password is editable. You can Auto generate a new password or you can type in a password. The length of a replacement Auto generated password will be the same as the length of the current password.
If you want a different length password:

first type the new length in the small box to the right
then erase the current password
(use the back space key or high light the password and press the delete key)
then press the Auto generate button.

If changes are made press 'OK' to accept them or press 'Cancel' to quit or discard changes.


Email History

Besides labeling the accompanying field as the Email Address for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the email address's assigned to this record.

This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

Email address field

To change the Email address please double click in the field. This will cause the edit Email Address popup to display If the email address field is empty when you click in it the Add Email Address popup will display

Add Email address


edit Email address

Now the Email address can be changed. If changes are made press 'OK' to keep them or press 'Cancel' to quit and discard changes

Notes Label

The Notes field does not maintain a history of the changes to this field.

The Notes field

The data in the notes field can be changed directly in this entry box. This is a free form text entry box and is vertically scrollable. You can type up a note on this account or keep special information about the account. I like to keep account specific unique data here like, customer ID, support #, handle or alias for the User ID or anything not a part of the pre designed fields.

The Date Created field

The Date Created field is not editable or update-able by the user. It records the date and time the record was entered into Account Tracker. Please visit the Adding the Parts help page for a discussion covering the details of adding a new record.

The date of Last update filed

The Date of last update field is not editable or update-able directly by the user. It records the date and time any field of this entry was changed.

The Security/Secret Question & answer Tab

To edit the Security Question(s) or their accompanying answer(s) or to add a new pair you must first double click on the question list box.

Click in the Question list box above to view the Security Question edit popup.

The Security Question edit form

This form has two sections. The upper section is the question that is being edited. The lower section is a list of all the security questions associated with this Account Tracker entry. When this form opens the first question on the list is also in the editable upper section. To edit a different question just double click on it in the lower section list (or you can use the left an right facing arrow buttons to scroll through the list). The scroll buttons will appear when there is more than one question.

You can edit the question directly. Until you make a change to the question the Answer box is disabled. So to correct a typo in the answer box first edit the question (delete a letter and retype it) then you can tab to the answer box and make your correction. If you are adding a question to the list press the Another button. If you want to delete a question uncheck the current check box. This will permanently delete the question.

The Answer box

The answer box shows the answer for the selected question in the list box above it.

The Question edit box

The edit question box allows you to directly change a question. The question must be change first before you can change the answer.

The Answer edit box

The answer box is initially disabled. It will become enabled when a change in the question has been detected. Once enabled you can type what ever change you want to the answer.

The current check box

To delete a question and answer pair you need to uncheck its current status. You will get a warning popup that you must respond positively to complete the deletion. The question and answer pair will be disassociated from any Account Tracker entry and are unretrievable. Remember to run Database check to clean out wasted space.

The questions list box

The question list box is a list of all the security questions (with answers) for the Account tracker entry being edited. You can scroll it to the left to see the creation and update dates for each question. The main purpose of the box is to all quick access to each question; just a double click and it is loaded in the edit area.

The Security Image tab

Once you have selected the Security Image tab you can change the Name/description of the image, the image itself, add a new image with it's own description or delete the whole thing.

Click on the different areas to get more detail.


This check box will disassociate all the Security images from this entry. At this point for all intent and purposes the image records are 'deleted', but if you reassociate (click the check box again) they are all restored.

The Security image replacement

If you want to replace the image double click on it and a file browse dialog will be displayed.

Browse for replacement image

The typical file browse dialog window. The browse file type template is set to image files (i.e. .bmp, .jpg, .png and .gif) but you can over ride this by typing *.* in the File Name box and pressing enter.

Browse for replacement image

The typical file browse dialog window. The browse file type template is set to image files (i.e. .bmp, .jpg, .png and .gif) but you can over ride this by typing *.* in the File Name box and pressing enter.

Edit image name/description

The image name can be edited directly. It must not be blank and Account Tracker will complain if it is left blank.

The security image delete button

This button will remove the image and its accompanying data. This action is not reversible. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

The security image add button

This button will allow you to add another Security image to this entry. Clicking on the add button causes the file browse dialog to display again; select the new image file and type the new name.

The Creation date

The creation date is not directly updateable and should never change. This date is unique to this Security Image record. If there are more than one security image assigned to an entry this date will be different for each image.

The Creation date

The creation date is not directly updateable and should never change. This date is unique to this Security Image record. If there are more than one security image assigned to an entry this date will be different for each image.

The Related entries tab

The Related entry tab allows you to switch between the entries that you have chosen are related by double clicking on an entry in the list. On this tab you can also delete the selected relationship or add a new relationship.

Feel free to click on the named sections of the image above.

The list of related links

This list is horizontally and if necessary vertically scrollable. It is the list of entries that you have selected as being related to the current entry. As with all the related entry lists, when you double click on one of the entries the focus will switch to that record. In this case since you are using the Edit entry form the form will switch to the double clicked entry allowing you to print, edit or view the related entry.

The Delete button

Clicking on an entry below and the delete button becomes enabled. Then when the delete button is clicked it will ask you if you want to delete the link to the selected related entry. If you select yes then both forward and backward links will be deleted.

The Select Related entries form

The Select Related Entry form displays the current record in the upper right corner and a list of selected related entries at the bottom. This form allows you to select from all the other Account Tracker entries and looks similar to the Account list form in that it has four drop down filter boxes. These list boxes help with finding the record you want by filtering the list. Just by double clicking on an entry in the list you create a link in the current record pointing to the entry you selected and a link in the selected record pointing back to the current entry. You can not select an entry twice. If you click on an entry that already has a relational link to this entry a message will be displayed explaining that entry has already been selected. You can delete a relational link by double clicking on one of the related entries in the Selected list.

Click on the different areas of the image above for more details. Click in the List area to simulate selecting the 'Facebook' entry.

The Select Related entries form

The Select Related Entry form displays the current record in the upper right corner and a list of selected related entries at the bottom. This form allows you to select from all the other Account Tracker entries and looks similar to the Account list form in that it has four drop down filter boxes. These list boxes help with finding the record you want by filtering the list. Just by double clicking on an entry in the list you create a link in the current record pointing to the entry you selected and a link in the selected record pointing back to the current entry. You can not select an entry twice. If you click on an entry that already has a relational link to this entry a message will be displayed explaining that entry has already been selected. You can delete a relational link by double clicking on one of the related entries in the Selected list.

The image has changed; now the 'Twitter' entry has also been selected as a related entry. You can click in the different areas above for more detail. You can click in the Selected list to simulate unselecting 'Twitter'. Click on OK to complete the process.

The current Record Identifiers

The Name, URL and User ID of the Account Tracker entry that is being edited or added are listed here. Just to remind you to which record your are making the relational links.

The current Record Identifiers

The Name, URL and User ID of the Account Tracker entry that is being edited or added are listed here. Just to remind you to which record your are making the relational links.

The OK

The OK button confirms the links you have made, exits the Select Related entry form and returns to the Add New or Edit Entry form.

The OK

The OK button confirms the links you have made, exits the Select Related entry form and returns to the Add New or Edit Entry form. We have selected the 'Facebook' entry. Exit this popup (click the 'X' below and see the changes to the Related entry Tab.

The Cancel button

The Cancel button cancels all the links you have made and returns you to the Add New or Edit entry form.

The Cancel button

The Cancel button cancels all the links you have made and returns you to the Add New or Edit entry form.

The four selection list filter boxes

The four filter boxes work that same as the filter boxes on the Detailed Account List form. These filters are accumulative and have order precedence. You can filter by selecting an entry in the drop down (which usually will result in one entry) or by typing a filter criteria and pressing 'Enter'. Using any combination of special search command characters (* or ?)...
(i.e. 'h*' = all entries that start with 'h'
or '*h* = all entries with an 'h' in it,
and finally '??h*' = all entries with an 'h' as the third character in it)

The four selection list filter boxes

The four filter boxes work that same as the filter boxes on the Detailed Account List form. These filters are accumulative and have order precedence. You can filter by selecting an entry in the drop down (which usually will result in one entry) or by typing a filter criteria and pressing 'Enter'. Using any combination of special search command characters (* or ?)...
(i.e. 'h*' = all entries that start with 'h'
or '*h* = all entries with an 'h' in it,
and finally '??h*' = all entries with an 'h' as the third character in it)

The clear filters button

Use this button to clear the accumulated filters and reset to no filter.

The clear filters button

Use this button to clear the accumulated filters and reset to no filter.

The Available entries for linking

This is the list of all entries available to link with the current record. This list excludes the current record and can be filtered using the four filter drop down list boxes above.

The selected related entries

This list will grow as you double click on entries above. If you have made a wrong selection just double click on it here to remove it. Remember the the links are not made until you close the form by pressing 'OK'.