Maintenance - Clipboard Options help page

Clipboard copy option has five settings:
  1. Copy password
  2. Copy URL (or Link)
  3. Copy User ID
  4. Copy eMail
  5. and Off
This option allows you to define if and what you want copied to the clipboard when you click on, or an Account Tracker entry gets focus on either the Account Names form (Short View) or the Account List Form( Details view).
As of Version the default, selected here, will also be copied to the clipboard when the Re-copy (R-C) button is left clicked.
The copy only happens when there is data in the field; if let's say the entry doesn't not have a User ID and you have your option set to user ID nothing will be copied to the clip board when you click on that entry. You can tell the copy action has taken place and is successful when the clipboard icon (seen below on the left) is briefly displayed in the upper margin on either form.