Adding Related Links help page

Selecting Related Entries

On the Add New Entry form Related Entry tab click
the "Add - R E" button to add start the process to select related entries..

The Delete button

This button will be come enable when you select a Related like entry in the Related entry list box below. The list box is only displayed if you have selected entries to be related to the current entry.

The Delete button

Click on the facebook entry below and the delete button will become enabled. Then when clicked it will. ask you is you want to delete the link to the selected related entry. If you select yes then both forward and backward links will be deleted.

The Help Button

The Help button launches your favorite browser to this web page

The list of related links

This list is horizontally and if necessary vertically scrollable. It is the list of entries that you have selected as being related to the current entry. As with all the related entry lists, when you double click on one of the entries the focus will switch to that record. In this case since you are using the Add New entry form, the form will switch to the double clicked entry allowing you to print, edit or view the related entry.

The Select Related entries form

The Select Related Entry form displays the current record in the upper right corner. This form allows you to select from all the other Account Tracker entries and looks similar to the Account list form in that it has four drop down filter boxes. These list boxes help with finding the record you want by filtering the list. I Just by double clicking on an entry in the list you create a link in the current record pointing to the entry you selected and a link in the selected record pointing back to the current entry.

Click on the different areas of the image above for more details. Click in the List area to simulate selecting the 'Facebook' entry.

The Select Related entries form

The Select Related Entry form displays the current record in the upper right corner. This form allows you to select from all the other Account Tracker entries and looks similar to the Account list form in that it has four drop down filter boxes. These list boxes help with finding the record you want by filtering the list. Just by double clicking on an entry in the list you create a link in the current record pointing to the entry you selected and a link in the selected record pointing back to the current entry.

The image has changed; now the 'Facebook' entry has been selected as a related entry. You can click in the different areas above for more detail. You can click in the Selected list to simulate unselecting 'Facebook'. Click on OK to complete the process.

The current Record Identifiers

The Name, URL and User ID of the Account Tracker entry that is being edited or added are listed here. Just to remind you to which record your are making the relational links.

The current Record Identifiers

The Name, URL and User ID of the Account Tracker entry that is being edited or added are listed here. Just to remind you to which record your are making the relational links.

The OK

The OK button confirms the links you have made, exits the Select Related entry form and returns to the Add New or Edit Entry form.

The OK

The OK button confirms the links you have made, exits the Select Related entry form and returns to the Add New or Edit Entry form. We have selected the 'facebook' entry. Exit this popup (click the 'X' below and see the changes to the Related entry Tab.

The Cancel button

The Cancel button cancels all the links you have made and returns you to the Add New or Edit entry form.

The Cancel button

The Cancel button cancels all the links you have made and returns you to the Add New or Edit entry form.

The four selection list filter boxes

The four filter boxes work that same as the filter boxes on the Detailed Account List form. These filters are accumulative and have order precedence. You can filter by selecting an entry in the drop down (which usually will result in one entry) or by typing a filter criteria and pressing 'Enter'. Using any combination of special search command characters (* or ?)...
(i.e. 'h*' = all entries that start with 'h'
or '*h* = all entries with an 'h' in it,
and finally '??h*' = all entries with an 'h' as the third character in it)

The four selection list filter boxes

The four filter boxes work that same as the filter boxes on the Detailed Account List form. These filters are accumulative and have order precedence. You can filter by selecting an entry in the drop down (which usually will result in one entry) or by typing a filter criteria and pressing 'Enter'. Using any combination of special search command characters (* or ?)...
(i.e. 'h*' = all entries that start with 'h'
or '*h* = all entries with an 'h' in it,
and finally '??h*' = all entries with an 'h' as the third character in it)

The clear filters button

Use this button to clear the accumulated filters and reset to no filter.

The clear filters button

Use this button to clear the accumulated filters and reset to no filter.

The Available entries for linking

This is the list of all entries available to link with the current record. This list excludes the current record and can be filtered using the four filter drop down list boxes above.

The selected related entries

This list will grow as you double click on entries above. If you have made a wrong selection just double click on it here to remove it. Remember the the links are not made until you close the form by pressing 'OK'.