Adding Entry parts help page

Adding a new entry

The Add new Entry Form guides the user through the process of adding a new entry. The number one requirement is that each Entry have a non blank name.

  1. The first step is to enter the Entry name. Just type it into the Entry name field then press 'Enter' or 'Tab'. If the user attempts to enter anything before entering an entry name, the add New entry process will popup a message asking for and redirecting the focus back to the Entry Name field.
  2. Next, the process will automatically popup the Add URL input form. At this point the user does have a choice, to enter the URL or to press 'Cancel'. This field can be left blank. Either way the Add New entry process will move to the next field.
  3. The next field is the User ID. The process will now display the Add User ID input form. Once again the user can choose to enter the User ID or press 'Cancel'. This field can be left empty. After Either choice the process will continue to the forth field.
  4. The Add New Entry process continues with the Add Password input form. The user can type in a password or generate a new password or press 'Cancel' and continue with the fifth field. This field can be left null.
  5. The Email field is the last of the true primary data fields. When the process continues with this field is will display the Add Email Address input form. The user can leave the field blank, by pressing 'Cancel' or type in an email address and press 'Enter'.
  6. After the email address field has been entered the add entry process leaves the focus on the Notes field. The user can type or cut & paste data into this field. It is not a rich text field so it cannot hold image or formatted text. It can hold a very large amount of data, depending on the version of access being used the limit is up to 256K of text. Once the length of data extends beyond the display box verticle scroll bars will be displayed.

Now the user is free to add Security Questions, Security Images or Related links. By pressing the 'Esc' button twice on the keyboard the user can cancel the input of the new entry all together.
Let's pretend you are adding a new entry and you have just typed the new name -- "My Beans Factory" and pressed Enter .

The Add URL popup Form

The buttons on the popup form are interactive...

After entering the new entry name or if you click in the URL field when it is blank the Add New Entry process displays this popup on top of the Add New Entry form. The Add URL popup gives you the opportunity to add a URL to the new Entry. You can either type one in or copy and paste the URL from their browser. When the URL (in the case is in place press 'Enter' to move to the next field the User ID field.

The Browse Button

If you want to save a local program as an account with password. Use the browse button to bring up a file selection dialogue window. Browse to the executable for your program (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Quicken\qw.exe); select the executable file. The example will input the execution path for Quicken. Then save your quicken password in the password filed. This allows you to click on the URL field and start quicken and then use Control + v to paste in the quicken password when quicken starts up.
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The OK Button

The OK button becomes enabled when there is data in the input field. You can click 'OK' instead of pressing the 'Enter' key.
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The OK Button

The OK button becomes enable when there is data in the input field. You can click 'OK' instead of pressing the 'Enter' key.
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The Add User ID popup Form

The buttons on the popup form are interactive...

After entering or canceling out of the URL field or if you click in the User ID field when it is blank, the Add New Entry process switches to this popup on top of the Add New Entry form. The Add User ID popup gives you the opportunity to add a User ID to the new Entry. You can either type one in or click 'Cancel. When the User ID is in place (in this case 'jitterbug') press 'Enter' to move to the next field, the Password field.

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The Add Password popup Form

The buttons on the popup form are interactive...

After entering or canceling out of the User ID field or if you click in the password field when it is blank, the Add New Entry process switches to this popup on top of the Add New Entry form. The Add password popup gives you the opportunity to add a password to the new Entry. You can either type one in or click the Auto Generate button or click the 'Cancel' button. When the password is in place (remember the password is not visible unless the mouse pointer is within the bounds of the password entry box) press 'Enter' or click 'OK' to move to the next field, the email address field.

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The OK Button

The OK button becomes enable when there is data in the input field. You can click 'OK' instead of pressing the 'Enter' key.
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The 'Auto Generate' Button

The 'Auto Generate' button will generate a password for you. If you are replacing a password the length of the new password will equal the length of the current password. Otherwise, the length of the new password can be set by typing a number between 6 and 26 in the input box next to the 'Auto Generate' button. This password length input box will reflect the length of the current password or, if there is no password yet, the length set under the options / password tab on the Maintenance window.
The Auto Password Generation process can produce some very difficult to crack passwords, that are also very hard to remember too. However since you are now using Account Tracker you don't need to remember them. Here are some sites where you can test the strength of the passwords generated:
How Secure is my Password
Password Strength checker
Password Checker
You can just copy and past a generated password to either of these sites. Remember that the longer a password is the better and the more variation in the characters the better.
See Auto Generated Password Options


AG password length

The Auto Generated password needs to be at least 6 characters long and no longer that 26. You can override the default length, set in the password options tab on the Maintenance window here in this AG password length input box.
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Active Check Box

This field can not be updated by the user directly. When a password is entered for an entry it is marked as Active. When the user edits or changes the password the old password is marked as in-active while the new one is marked active.
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Maintenace Page Password Tab

The Auto Generated Password Options Area allows the user to set application defaults for the password automatically generated for each account.

During the Add New Entry process, on the add password window there is a button labeled "Auto generate". The options in this area effect the characteristics of the generated password.
  • Default length is the length of the generated password for a new entry. If you are changing an entry that already has a password then the length of the previous password is used, Also you can override this value at the time of generation by typing in a different length on the " enter password window" .
  • If the check box in front of "Capital Alpha" is checked, you can select from 1 to the default password length* the minimum number of capital alphas that the password will contain.
  • The same is true for "Numeric digit". If checked, then each auto generated password will contain at least the number of digits you have entered here.
  • And this continues for "Special Symbol" . If checked you can select the number of the following special character (at a minimum) that is contained in the password. ~,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),+ (NOTE. Some security systems cannot handle all these special symbols. If you run across one that says you have used an invalid character just replace that character with another of your choice.)
  • A check in the "1st Character Alpha" check box will cause the first character of the generated passwords to be an alpha (either capital or lower case). That means with this option selected no password generated will start with a number or special character,
  • Finally you can choose whether other characters are repeated in generating the password, by checking or unchecking "Allow repeat characters". This does not mean there will be no repeat characters, if checked. It means the characters not covered by the preceding requirements will not have a repeat in them.
  • * There are some things to keep in mind: A good password has multiple different types of characters, so setting 5 for the number of capitals in an password that is only 8 characters long will generate a weak password; the longer the password is the stronger it gets, password of 20+ characters will be nearly impossible to crack; you cannot ask for a larger number of minimum character counts than the Default password length, you cannot ask for 3 Caps, 3 nums and 3 special chars for a password that has a default length of 8.

The Add Email popup Form

The buttons on the popup form are interactive...

After entering or canceling out of the Password field or if you click in the Email field when it is blank, the Add New Entry process switches to this popup on top of the Add New Entry form. The Add Email popup gives you the opportunity to add a email address to the new Entry. You can either type it in or click the 'Cancel' button. When the email address is in place press 'Enter' or click 'OK' to move to the next field, the Notes field.

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The OK Button

The OK button becomes enable when there is data in the input field. You can click 'OK' instead of pressing the 'Enter' key.
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A newly created entry

The primary data input process is now complete. The focus is now in the Notes field and waiting for your input. However by pressing the 'Esc' button twice the entire entry will be dropped. You now have the choice to enter some notes or start on any of the secondary data entries...
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