Add New Entry help page

This is the Add New Entry form.

   The Add New Entry form will guide the user through the add entry process as soon as the user types in a new entry name and presses 'Enter' or 'Tab'. This form will not allow a new entry to be entered with out a name. In fact the name must be the very first thing entered. The Entry Name Field is the only required field; that is, it cannot be left blank.
    Each Account Tracker entry or record is divided into two major portions. The first portion or the primary data is the Name, URL, User ID, Password and Email address. These first five fields are the most important in defining an entry in the Account Tracker database. The Security (or Secret) Questions and answers, the Security Images and the Related links fields are secondary data. They are only slightly less important than the primary data fields. The notes filed is truly a secondary data filed but is treated like a primary data field in some respects.
    Use your mouse pointer to become familiar with the different parts of the Add New Entry form and click on each for more detail. Upon closer inspection you will see that this is the same form as the Edit Entry form.

Print Entry Button The Another? Button Help Button Exit Button Entry Status Entry Name Label Name Entry Field URL Label URL Field User ID Label User ID Field Password Label Password Field Email Address Label Email Address Field Notes Label Notes Field Date Created Secrurity Question Field Date Created ecrurity Questions Tab Security Images Tab Related Links Tab

The Print Button

The Print button allows you to create a hard copy of your entry. For security reasons use this sparingly. This button is not enabled unless new account name has been saved.

The Another? Button

This button becomes enabled when the user has input all the primary data fields. It allows for quicker entry of multiple records.

The Help Button

The Help button launches your favorite browser to this web page

Security Question Tab Help Button

This Help button launches your favorite browser to the web help page for adding Security Questions

The Exit Button

This button exits the Add New form and returns the user to the previous form.

The Status Label

The default status of a newly added entry is 'Active'. But if the status indicator is double clicked, the records status will change to 'Not Active'.

The Entry Name field Label

This field label is not an actuator. It just labels the Entry Name Field.

The Entry Name Input Box

This is the field entry box for the Entry Name field. The Entry Name is the only mandatory field and cannot be blank.

The URL Field Label

This label is a double click actuator. Besides labeling the accompanying field as the URL for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the values this field has been assigned for this record.

This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

The URL entry Field

This is the field entry box for the URL field. The Add New Entry form will display a Field Entry popup window if the user clicks or transfer focus to any of the primary data entry boxes when they are empty. In this case the popup is the Add URL popup. For more in-depth discussion please visit the Adding the Parts help page.

The User ID field Label

This label is a double click actuator. Besides labeling the accompanying field as the User ID for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the User ID's assigned to this record.

In this view you can see both the Date created and date last updated. As you can see the creation date does not change, but each new value has a new update date. This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

The User ID entry Field

This is the field entry box for the User ID field. The Add New Entry form will display a Field Entry popup window if the user clicks or transfer focus to any of the primary data entry boxes when they are empty. In this case the popup is the Add User ID popup. For more in depth discussion please visit the Adding the Parts help page.

The Password field Label

Besides labeling the accompanying field as the password for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the password's assigned to this record.

In this view you can see the Active status of each password plus the date created. The date last updated is also displayed, but you need to scroll to the right. This Active label is the status of the password not the entire record. This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

The Password entry Field

This is the field entry box for the Password field. The Add New Entry form will display a Field Entry popup window if the user clicks or transfer focus to any of the primary data entry boxes when they are empty. In this case the popup is the Add Password popup. There is another feature of this entry box. It will hide the password until the mouse pointer is within its bounds. More about this on the Edit Entry help page. For more in depth discussion on adding a new record, please visit the Adding the Parts help page.

The Email Address Field Label

Besides labeling the accompanying field as the Email Address for this entry, this label, when double clicked, will float a history list box of all the email address's assigned to this record.

This list box will hold all the entries that have been assigned to this field from this database.* The list box is both vertically and horizontally scrollable. Double clicking on the list box or clicking in another field will put the History list box away.

Note*: History is not synced. If a record is updated from a satellite DB only the latest value is synced with the Master. None of the interim values will be synced and visa versa is true too.

The Password entry Field

This is the field entry box for the Email address field. The Add New Entry form will display a Field Entry popup window if the user clicks or transfer focus to any of the primary data entry boxes when they are empty. In this case the popup is the Add Email Address popup. For more in depth discussion please visit the Adding the Parts help page.

The Notes Field label

The Notes field Label. The Notes field does not maintain a history of the changes to this field.

The Notes Field

This is a free form text entry box and is vertically scrollable. You can type up a note on this account or keep special information about the account. I like to keep account specific unique data here like, customer ID, support #, handle or alias for the User ID or anything not a part of the pre designed fields. For more in depth discussion please visit the Adding the Parts help page.

The Date Created Field

The Date Created field is not editable or update-able by the user. It records the date and time the record was entered into Account Tracker. Please visit the Adding the Parts help page for a discussion covering the details of adding a new record.

The Security Question Tab

The Security Questions tab is the first of the secondary data input areas. Initially blank and similar to the primary data input boxes, when you click or tab into the Security Question input box a popup input form will be displayed. In this case the popup is the Add Security Question/Answer pair form popup. For more in depth discussion please visit the Adding Security Questions help page.

The Add Security Question form

This is the Add Security Questions popup form. It is displayed when the user clicks on an empty Security Questions list tab or when the user double clicks on the list of security Question on the Security Question tab. For more detail please visit the Adding Security Questions or the Edit Entry help pages.

The Security Image Tab

The Security Image tab is the second of the secondary data input areas. This tab starts with a unchecked check box.

However, when checked instead of an input form popping up, a file browse dialog is displayed. At this point the user should select the security image they have saved from their online account. For more in depth discussion please visit the Adding Security Image help page.

The Related Entries Tab

The final secondary data input area is the Add Related links Tab. This tab starts with two buttons, One is enabled and one isn't.

The "Add - R E" button will display a form allowing you to find a link related records. For more in depth discussion please visit the Adding Related links help page.