Special Functions - Syncing Sats help page

Once you have made a Satellite Database (a SatDB) The Sync Button becomes enabled. You can now sync with any of the SatDBs you have made.

Pressing the Sync Button will cause one of two responses depending on the number of Satellite Databases you have made and if you are running the Sync from a Master or a Satellite.

If you have multiple SatDbs then you will see the Satellite Database Selection window. If you have only one SatDb or you are running the sync from a Satellite Db then you will be asked for a password immediately.
Type in either the Master Database password, if you are running the sync from a Satellite Db,
or the SatDb's password, if you a running from the Master. Press Enter when you are ready to proceed. You can also press Escape to abort the sync process.
After entering the password the sync area of the maintenance form will display your Sync choices.
When You have made your sync selection a 'Go' button appears; press it to initiate the sync process.
During the sync process you may see several progress messages that need to be 'OK'd for processing to continue.

On occasion there may be update entries that cannot be matched. These are usually updates that happened to records that were later deleted. It is possible that some error in the update process will crop up, in that case the update that causes the error is skipped and the Update Mismatch form will be displayed then too.

The Satellite Db Selection Window

The Satellite Db Selection Window will only display when the sync is run from the Master and if you have multiple SatDbs. It shows the list of your Satellite Databases.

This window will allow you to manage your Satellite Databases or to select one to Sync with.
You can delete a sync entry or select and entry with which to sync.
Click on any of the areas above for more details.

The Delete Sync Entry Button

This button will delete the sync entry for the selected SatDb. Once deleted you can no longer sync with this Satellite. It can however, sync back with the master. When you click this button it will ask you by Nick Name if you want to delete this entry.


The Close Button

This button will close the Satellite Selection Window with out making a Sync choice. This effectively will cancel the sync process. To continue with the sync process on the selected entry press the OK button


The SatDb ID

This area in the list will show the DBID of the Satellite Databases. This is the internal ID displayed on the Maintenance form. This data can not be edited. You can select this entry by clicking here.


The Satellite Db Nick Name

This area in the list will display the Nick Name of each Satellite Database. This is the name you gave the SatDb when you created it. This data can not be edited. You can select this entry by clicking here.


The SatDb UNL path

This is the path to each Satellite Database. In the example the Paths are to test Databases on the same computer, but in operational mode this path will contain the network path i.e. " \\MyLapTop\MyDocuments\SatDB\SatelliteDB.accde ". This data can not be edited. You can select this entry by clicking here.


The SatDb Creation Date

This is the date you created the Satellite Db. This area will display the creation date for the selected entry. Each time you move the selection to another sync entry this data will change. This data can not be edited.


The Last Sync date

This is the date of the last full sync with the Satellite Db. This area will display the last sync date for the selected entry. Each time you move the selection to another sync entry this data will change. This data can not be edited.


The Last Sync To date

This is the date of the last Sync-To with the Satellite Db. This area will display the last Sync-To date for the selected entry. A Sync-To equates to the 'Quick Sync To' choice, see Sync Choices for more details. Each time you move the selection to another sync entry this data will change. This data can not be edited.


The Last Sync From date

This is the date of the last Sync-From with the Satellite Db. This area will display the last Sync-From date for the selected entry. A Sync-From equates to the 'Quick Sync From' choice, see Sync Choices for more details. Each time you move the selection to another sync entry this data will change. This data can not be edited.


The OK Button

This is the is the action button. Once you have selected a Sync entry press this button to continue.


Password request

With focus back on the Maintenance form you are asked for the password.

Type in the required password and press enter.
You can also just press Escape to abort the sync process
Click on any of the areas above for more details.

The Password Input Box

This password input box works just like the other password input boxes through Account Tracker. Initially the typed in password is obscured by asterisks, but you can check what you have typed by double clicking in the box then you can hide the password again by repeating the double click. Let's continue with the sync process and go to the Sync area.


The Action Instructions

These orange instruction appear to remind you what is needed in the different input boxes. In this case it is asking for the password to Satellite Database Nick Named VrsnMisMtchtst. If this had been a sync run from a SatDb then it would ask for the password to the Master Db. You are also reminded that you can abort by pressing Escape.


Sync Area

After entering the password the Sync area will appear.

You have four choices

  1. A Quick Sync-To,
  2. a Quick Sync-From,
  3. a Combined Sync-To and Sync-From or
  4. the Full.

To select an option you need only click on the radio button beside the desired option. This will inturn cause the 'Go' button to appear in the center of the Sync Area. Click on any of the areas above for more details.


Quick Sync-To

The Sync-To option will allow you to sync only the newly added entries (the ones added since the last sync) from the current database to the other. This is a quick update to either a SatDb or the Master of the entries that were added to the current Db. Select the first radio button beside 'Quick To' and a 'go button will appear in the center between all the options. Click here to simulate a selected radio button.


Quick Sync-From

The Sync-From option will allow you to sync only the newly added entries (the ones added since the last sync) from the other database to the current database. This is a quick update to either a SatDb or the Master of the entries that were added to the other Db. Select the second radio button beside 'Quick From' and a 'go button will appear in the center between all the options. Click here to simulate a selected radio button.


Combined Sync-To and Sync-From

This option will perform both the Sync-To and the Sync_from. This will add the new entries from either Db to the other. Select the third radio button beside 'Quick To/From' and a 'go button will appear in the center between all the options. Click here to simulate a selected radio button.


Full Sync

This will usually be the most selected option; not only does it perform the To and From, but it also syncs all corresponding field updates between both databases. That is, all the entry changes made, since last sync, will be made to the corresponding entry in the other database and visa versa. Select the fourth and final radio button beside 'Full' Label and a 'go button will appear in the center between all the options. Click here to simulate a selected radio button.


Sync Area

Once you have made a choice the 'Go' Button appears. Here the user has selected the Full sync.

Press the 'Go' button above to continue.


Sync Processing

During sync processing you will see a number of messages such as....


However, the most important message in the Sync complete message...

In rare occasions there will be a intervening form before the Sync Complete Message. This is the Update Mismatch form.

When you OK the Process Complete Message the Sync Area will return to normal...


The Update Mismatch form

The update mismatch form will allow you to manage the updates that seem not to have occurred. The usual reason for this form to display is an update is made to one or more entries, then later that same entry or entries is/were deleted. In these cases you can ignore this Update mismatch report by pressing the Cancel button.
However, there is a possibility that an error occurred during the update process. If this occurs you are afforded the capability to 'move the update forward'; basically to save the update so that if a fix, to the update process, is announced the update can eventually be applied.

Click on any of the buttons or areas above for more details on how to use this form. Clicking on the 'Save' button will display the mismatch form with 2 update records 'saved' or moved forward.

The Update Mismatch form

The update mismatch form will allow you to manage the updates that seem not to have occurred. The usual reason for this form to display is an update is made to one or more entries, then later that same entry or entries is/were deleted. In these cases you can ignore this Update mismatch report by pressing the Cancel button.
However, there is a possibility that an error occurred during the update process. If this occurs you are afforded the capability to 'move the update forward'; basically to save the update so that if a fix, to the update process, is announced the update can eventually be applied.

Click on any of the buttons or areas above for more details on how to use this form.

The Local Updates filter button

This Button allows you to filter the mismatched update list to display only those updates from the current or local database.


The Remote Updates filter button

This Button allows you to filter the mismatched update list to display only those updates from the other or remote database.


The Both button

This Button removes the display filter allowing display of updates from both databases.


The Update Transaction number

This is the currently selected entry's update transaction list number.


The Database Record number

This is the currently selected entry's original database record number.


The First button

Pressing this button will scroll the list to the first update mismatch entry in the list. The focus and therefore selected record will be the first entry.


The Previous button

Pressing this button will scroll the list back one entry moving the focus and entry selection with it.


The Next button

Pressing the Next button will scroll the list forward one entry; moving the focus and entry selection with it.


The Last button

Pressing the Last button will scroll the list forward to the end; moving the focus and entry selection to the last entry.


The Idle disengaged notification

This is a warning telling you that the Idle detection is not engaged during processing of the Mismatch Updates form. What that means is that Account Tracker will not lockup while this form is displayed and if you leave the screen unattended you could be exposing you private data.


The Save Button

This is the button you use to mark the selected update forward, in other words to save the update for reprocessing. The Update isn't marked forward until the OK button is pressed. If the Cancel button is pressed instead then no updates are moved forward.


The Cancel Button

The Cancel button will close the Update Mismatch form and ignore all the mismatched updates.


The OK Button

The ok button will close the Update Mismatch form and confirm you decision to move the mismatched updates forward. This button is not enabled until you mark a mismatched update to be saved/moved forward.


The OK Button

The ok button will close the Update Mismatch form and confirm you decision to move the mismatched updates forward. This button is not enabled until you mark a mismatched update to be saved/moved forward.


The current record Database Marker

This marks, from which database, the current record was generated. The Local database is the FromDB and the remote database is the ToDB.


The current record Transaction date

This is the date and time that the update occurred. Unless this is a re-run then it is the data and time plus one second when the last sync happened.


The current record data

This is the information from the record that was to be updated. This data is not editable on this form. It is here to give you an idea of what was updated so you can later check the record to see if anything was lost from the record.


The list of mismatched updates

This is the list of updates that may not have occurred. The fields displayed are to help remind you of when you made the update. The first field is the Account Tracker Entry name; this is the name you gave the entry when you originally added it to the database. The second field is the name of the field that was updated. The third field describes what type of update was made to the afore mentioned field. The last field shows the result of the update process to the other database.
